23 September 2010

And so it is.

"Not all of those who go to war are soldiers"

After years of reading other people's blogs, I have decided to start my own. Well, not my first one, really. I've had other blogs in the past but I was far too lazy to keep them.

I think having a blog is almost like having a pet. More of a tamagotchi, if you like. You have to nurture it, feed it, love it. Since I found out that I can take care of a real pet (a cute dog since about 4 months), why not try and do it with a pet such as a blog? How much more difficult could it be?

So here I am.

Expect a lot of complaining about the world's affairs. Expect a lot of my annoyed tone when talking about government, politicians and businesses. Expect my demands for a better world, and read what I think about current developments, from European Parliament debates to Human Rights violations in Kazakhstan.

Expect also a lot of good news and a lot of examples of what is great about our planet and its peoples. Maybe even some reviews about green products, sustainable businesses and innovative energy solutions.

Today, or tomorrow, or when you find the time, do read my first official post (following this one). The message of a head of state to the world that moved me in so many ways. It comprises not only what this blog will cover, but also what I truly believe in and my ideas for what a better future should be like.

I hope you enjoy reading frétt - news from home.

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